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about us

An institution where every life matters

about Capri Spine Clinic

Pioneers in Spine Treatment, we at Capri Spine make sure that we deliver results to our patients and get their comforts and capabilites restored instantaneously. We believe that when you come to the best spine treatment near you Initiated in 1992, Capri started its dedicated Physiotherapy services to health, mobility and fitness in Delhi NCR and in Pune. Since then, we have been successful in achieving our goal to optimize human function and movement and maximize potential. We cater to the needs of more than 400 patients a day with care for each patient tailored for individual needs. Over a span of last decade, we have treated more than 1,00,000 patients successfully! Many therapies & equipments were introduced for the 1st time in Delhi by Dr. Deepak Kumar, who holds an international degree from Australia in manual therapy. All of our therapists are trained in various manual therapy concepts. We make sure that our patients get an integrated approach to treatment WHY CAPRI SPINE CLINIC Well – qualified and experienced therapists. Result-oriented highly professional services set up, state of the art ambience designed with patients’ need in mind. Latest international level treatment and modalities treating patients using holistic approach. Services for 12 hours a day and 6 days a week at competitive and affordable prices. Free Services to people living below poverty line. Researched and developed applications of Electrotherapy. Scientifically Validated- Treatment Methods as recommended by European and American Global Guidelines

179 (Basement), Main Vikas Marg, Near Jain Hospital, Delhi

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